He Will Make You Lie Down

Piggy backing on last week’s post, here’s a new thought about my current situation.


On the set of Vindication last weekend, something unexpected happened. Shance (one of the camera guys) asked me who my agent was. My response to that was pretty much what I wrote on last week’s blog: Faith-Based Projects Currently in Texas.


When I mentioned that it seemed like prime time to have an agent, Shance said that the verse in Psalm doesn’t say God lets us lie down in green pastures; it says He makes us lie down. 


I said, “Wow, I hadn’t thought of that at all. You just opened my eyes to something completely new.” He said, “Praise God. That was all Him.”


And then Nathan, who was also standing there, said, “If you really study what it means for a shepherd to make his sheep lie down, it’s not as nice as you would think.” Nathan talked about the shepherd’s rod and how he hooks the sheep’s leg to make him lie down.


I know the Bible is the living Word, meaning it doesn’t only refer to the time that it was written, but it applies to today’s issues, tomorrow’s issues, and so on.


I’m not saying that my take on it is accurate for the story in the Bible, but for me, after hearing that from Shance and Nathan, what I felt in my heart was that yes, these seem to be green pastures in which I could be playing or on which I could be feasting (having these faith-based films shooting here in Texas), but God is having me wait.


This waiting period could mean…


“Take your focus off everything else right now and put it all on Me.”


“Rest in this period of life because what’s ahead will require much of you.”


“Don’t get fixated on how things currently look. I have something different in mind for you.”


Or it could mean none of these. Or all of these. Either way, until I feel the prompting from God to start off in a certain direction regarding acting, I’ll just keep lying in the green pastures.


This takes me back to what God said in my very first blog post (something about laundry). 


To quote my mother’s famous line, “God’s up to somethin’…”.


I wonder what it is...
Venus Monique


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