Ford Commercial Surprise

Sometimes God sends a message through other people like He did through that pastor and then through this lady.

I was visiting my mom in San Angelo, TX, and we decided to visit a Pentecostal church. At the end of the service, they asked people to go to the front for prayer, but I felt fine about staying where I was.

Then, a woman came over to us. I thought she was just going to say hi and introduce herself, but after saying hi, she said she had a word for me. She started speaking and praying in tongues, which I’m used to hearing (it's a gift I’d love to have some day) and when she was done, she started speaking to me.

She said a whole bunch of things, but the main point she reiterated was that something was going to come up in my life and I needed to be careful about making a hasty decision.

She was right.

A couple of weeks later, my agent called me to discuss a commercial I had recently done.

To keep it short, I wasn’t willing to do some of the things the director was wanting me to do and word got back to my agent (this was a Ford commercial so it was kind of a big deal).

Our phone conversation was about me loosening the reins on what I physically would and wouldn’t do in the film industry. She wasn’t necessarily pushing me, but she didn’t want the same situation to occur and wanted to confidently send me out for auditions (even though you don’t always know what’s to come in the story line).

I wasn’t budging.

It came to the point where my mind said, “If we can’t be on the same page and you don’t feel you can confidently send me out for auditions, maybe this is a good time for us to part ways.”

I loved my agent, but I wasn’t willing to compromise. Little compromises add up. Eventually, you find yourself at the point where people say, “well, you did this, so why not this?” or “you’ve basically done this before, so why won’t you do it now?” and I never want to be in that situation.

So, my mouth was ready to split ways but then my heart reminded me of what that woman spoke to me about not being hasty.

So I said nothing. I thought my agent was actually going to let me go, but eventually we decided which kind of projects she would and wouldn’t submit me to based on the breakdowns she received.

I’m not sure of the butterfly effect that could’ve happened if I’d been too quick to speak on this one, but I knew that that phone call with my agent was the instance to which the Pentecostal woman was referring.

After that day, no other situations arose where I felt I wanted to make a hasty decision - so I knew that was the one.

God is so interesting. I love seeing how He weaves things together in the unseen realm.

Pray and push,


If you decide that you want God in your life, here's a simple prayer you can say quietly or out loud:

Dear God, I'm a sinner. I’m sorry for my sin; please forgive me.

I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son and that He died for my sins and You raised Him to life.

I want to invite Him into my heart to take control of my life.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

(No pressure, but if you do say this prayer, I'd love to know so you're not stuck with the thought of, "Okaaaaay, what now?")


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