Chasing Too Many Rabbits

I feel it. Have you heard that quote: “The man who chases two rabbits catches neither.”?

That’s my life right now. I have 3 inventions in mind, I have my blog, my YouTube channel, 2 different businesses I want to start with sub-businesses for each, and I’m taking a course that’s teaching me the ins-and-outs of the various social media platforms. And I still have my online job.

These things are wonderful in that they give me hope and reason to push forward. But I don’t feel like I’m making strong progress in any direction. Which is the opposite of what I want. 

To be honest, I know the solution – narrow my focus. Choose one thing and go after that. But in pursuing that one thing, there are many more things to learn to help get that one thing off the ground.

I’ve read The One Thing by Keller and Papasan and it’s definitely helpful, but I first have to pick the thing before I can start cranking away on it.


We'll see which one I choose.

Done with chasing rabbits,



Drink coffee.

Get cozy.

And get the scoop on the newest stuff.

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