How Our Ego Impacts Relationships

Have you ever found yourself wanting to know when someone’s gonna FaceTime you? Or wanting to know when someone’s gonna stop by your place?


I’ve felt that way many times, but recently I’ve been thinking why. Why do I want to know? I’d love the call or the company so do I really need to know beforehand?


I realized it’s not me that wants to know, it’s my ego.


My ego wants to make sure my hair isn’t crazy, my ego wants to make sure I have on a little make-up, my ego wants my house to be tidy.


Part of that is wanting to make the guest feel comfortable and invited, which is also polite, but when I really think about it, it’s my ego wanting to impress.


But what if I didn’t care? What if I was open to answering that FaceTime call and the knock at the door? I think it would be great.


I think showing your reality to someone somehow automatically creates a stronger relationship. No hiding. No impressing. No concern about judgement. Just accepting the unexpected.


Come on in – here’s my life when you knock on my door at 8am.
Answer that call – here’s my hair when I haven’t had a chance to prettify it.


Who cares? It’s you. It’s me. There are different parts to us, and exposing our “not prepared” part is okay.


I, for one, always appreciate the friend who’s candid with their life.


Keep trying to love people where they are,


Drink coffee.

Get cozy.

And get the scoop on the newest stuff.

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