How to Start Reading

I looked at my Amazon wish list today and realized about 90% of it is books. I’m actually proud of this because there was a point in my life where the last thing I thought about was reading.

Thinking back to what sparked my reading was one very specific book.

Several years ago, we started talking about books at my job. I mentioned how I don’t like to read but wish that I did. One of the girls said there was a book that I would love.

I thought, yeah, we’ll see about that, but I was up for checking it out. She said to read the first chapter and see what I thought. I did. I was hooked. I finished the whole book in a couple of days. The book was Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.

It made me realize that I didn't not like reading; I just hadn't found a book that interested me up to that point.

Redeeming Love is a mix of romance, drama, suspense, and Christianity. I definitely don’t prefer romance, so if you’re like that and think you won’t like this book, I implore you to give it a chance.

If you really want to start reading again:

I suggest finding a book on a topic that interests you (aka don’t choose something just because it’s popular). Look for ones with great reviews. Borrow one or buy one (Half Price Books or Thrift Books). Give the first chapter or two a good shot. Then, go from there.

I know a lot of people prefer Audible or Blinkist which are apps that allow you to listen to books like you would a radio, because that’s the only chance they have to actually “read”. If that’s all you have time to fit into your life, why not try it?

Keep books nearby. I have 3 books between my headboard and mattress, 4 small books in my car, and I try to pack one or two when I travel. Keeping them conveniently placed makes it so much easier when I feel like reading.

Set some “you” time. Maybe your morning coffee/tea is accompanied by reading 2 pages. Maybe your elliptical workout could use a book instead of the gym tv. Maybe you sit on the porch a lot; leave a book out there.

Out of sight, out of mind works the other way, too. Keep your books in sight and you’re more likely to give them some attention.

Hopefully some of this helps you get back on the reading wagon. I know it’s always refreshing to me when I see someone reading a book rather than being on their phone.

If you have any books that you couldn’t put down, please add them in the comments so I can know. I love that kind.

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