How to Stop Getting Road Rage


I’m not a fan of getting irritated in traffic – or riding with someone who gets irritated in traffic. Already, I see traffic as a time-waster, so yes, the idea of it is super bothersome.


So, of course, I’ve come up with ideas to turn it into something useful, and hopefully you do (or see value in doing) the same.


Before you shoot this down, definitely try it: podcasts or audiobooks.


Honestly, for me, music just isn’t enough to take my mind off what’s currently in front of me.


When I listen to music, I’m still very much aware of what’s happening on the road – how rude that person is being, how I missed that opportunity, how they didn’t use their blinker, yada yada yada.


But when I listen to podcasts, my mind is focused on learning the material. More of my brain is concentrating on what I’m hearing rather than the aggravating things I’m seeing.


The Benefits


Listening to podcasts, or audiobooks, is two-fold.


One, it takes your mind off the current traffic situation.


Two, it’s fueling your brain with goodness, providing it something useful while the time passes.


Obviously, how you spend your time is completely up to you.


But here’s how I think about it: if I had kids, what are they learning from me? Are they learning to yell at people? Mumble under their breath? Verbally be ugly to other drivers? Simply listen to music?


Or are they learning how to use their time wisely? How to make the most of negative situations? Not to mention, learning from whatever I’ve decided to play?


How do you do it?

If you’ve never listened to a podcast on your phone, give it a shot. Even short commutes are worth it – sometimes those turn out to be longer than expected.


  • To access them on an iPhone, find the purple app that says Podcasts.
  • For Androids, I’ve heard of CastBox and Podcast Addict.


There are tons of categories: Self-Improvement, Leadership, Arts, Health, Kids and Family, Business, Sports and Recreations, Religion and Spirituality, etc.


Some have long episodes, some have short episodes. Some may have great hosts, some may not.


Your options are abundant – and useful.


I have several from which I choose depending on my mood:


Michael Hyatt: Lead to Win – He has tons of productivity and leadership tips.


The Christy Wright Show – She’s a part of the Dave Ramsey team who teaches women how to get started owning their own business.


Joyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life – She’s a pastor who tells it like it is, with understanding, and I appreciate that more than having things sugar-coated.



We can change our surroundings, but it’s up to us to make the adjustment, no matter how small.


Switching from listening to music in the car to listening to podcasts and audiobooks is an easy way to not just change your surroundings, but to change your day (and educate yourself in the process).


I hope you find one you enjoy!



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