We Think Our Troubles are Big

We all have struggles. They may seem minute to others, but to us, they’re still our struggles and our heavy burdens.

My sister-in-law and I were talking yesterday and she said something that I thought was really great…

When we’re kids, we think our problems are a huge deal, and they are to us, at that time.

As parents looking at the child’s problem, we see how not big it is, how small it actually is, and we think it’s funny that this kid thinks they have “problems”, when clearly, their problems are fluffy clouds that we’d love to have.

But what if that’s why God tells us not to worry?

Because the way we see our kids’ problem is the way He sees ours?

To us, they’re huge issues – losing our house, getting fired from a job, missing a life-changing event, etc., but since God knows infinitely more than we do, He sees how not big the issue actually is.

He sees what’s down the road for us, He sees what could’ve happened to us, He sees how this is going to strengthen our character, unite our relationships, or build our esteem in the long run.

Our minds are the ones that are tied to the here and now. He sees into eternity.

So, in Isaiah, chapter 41, verse 10, when He says, “So don’t worry, because I am with you. Don’t be afraid, because I am your God. I will make you strong and will help you; I will support you with my right hand that saves you.” maybe that’s because His perspective is so much more grand than ours ever could be.

And we should believe Him when He tells us not to worry.

I really like that perspective.

Thanks, Heather, for sharing your epiphany with me. You should take long drives more often. 

Philippians 4:6,

If you decide that you want God in your life, here's a simple prayer you can say quietly or out loud:

Dear God, I'm a sinner. I’m sorry for my sin; please forgive me.

I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son and that He died for my sins and You raised Him to life.

I want to invite Him into my heart to take control of my life.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

(No pressure, but if you do say this prayer, I'd love to know so you're not stuck with the thought of, "Okaaaaay, what now?")


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