confidence | faith | life skills | acting | entrepreneurship

Standing Up for Myself

I’m always up for change, especially when it comes to growing myself.

Lately, I’ve felt the want to attack a weakness of mine that’s come up over the years…

Being bold and standing up for myself.

I’ve struggled with the balance of being kind, giving the benefit of the doubt, and addressing the line when it’s been crossed.

Sometimes it’s easy to identify when the line’s been crossed, and that’s when standing up for what’s right or...

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Why THIS Body?

When I was a kid, I would think of other kids and where they lived, the parents they had, the house in which they lived, and the problems they faced. I’ve always been grateful for my life; maybe it’s because I’ve had that perspective. 

I’ve often thought why did my soul arrive in this body?

in this country?

in this state?

in this town? 

Why am I not in India or in the 1700s? 

My soul could have been placed in any body at any...

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