confidence | faith | life skills | acting | entrepreneurship

Are You Bamboo or a Jack-in-the-Box?

I’d say that’s a pretty accurate description of how I’m feeling about my life right now… the story of the bamboo taking years to get its roots before shooting above ground.


I know things are happening. I’m a part of them. But I can’t see them. What I don’t know is when the soil is gonna break and the reason I’ve been created is fully exposed.


At the moment, I have several business ideas. I’ve been working on myself....

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My Experience at Dave Ramsey's Smart Conference

finally got to attend a conference. Back in September of 2018, I bought tickets for the Smart Conference because it covered a multitude of topics (and if I was going to drive 3.5 hours for it, I wanted to learn more than just finances).


Dave Ramsey Smart Conference, Dallas, TX. Jan. 2019.


This did not disappoint. It addressed so many areas of life and had incredible speakers.


They covered Parenting, Finding Your Purpose, Money, Relationships,...

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Turning Dreams into Reality


I have so many goals and dreams, and I’ve been more deliberate in reading up on them lately, learning how to conquer them, and putting action steps into place to make sure I don’t end my life without having gone after the things in my heart.


Hopefully, it’s all adding up and will start bringing forth change in my life. My life is amazing right now, actually, and I love it, but I also know I was created for a larger purpose, and I’m becoming more...

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Why We Should Accept Others' Observations

It baffles me when people aren’t up for hearing truth. I don’t mean truth in the Jesus sense of the Truth, but in the, “Hey, I’ve recognized this about you and thought you’d like to know” kind of way.


I say this because when I go around my family, I notice things. We’re not around each other all the time, so the differences stand out to me, just as they stand out to my family when I go around them.


A simple example of this is that one of...

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God Became a Violinist This Weekend


This past weekend, I went with my mom to her fancy work gala. Part of the entertainment was a high school symphony, and they played all sorts of beautiful songs including Christmas songs.


They would glide around the large room walking between tables carrying their instruments and blessing us with their talent.


At a certain point, the conductor announced that the next song was going to be a solo. So, an unassuming and humble looking girl started playing and walking around...

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How to Stop Getting Road Rage


I’m not a fan of getting irritated in traffic – or riding with someone who gets irritated in traffic. Already, I see traffic as a time-waster, so yes, the idea of it is super bothersome.


So, of course, I’ve come up with ideas to turn it into something useful, and hopefully you do (or see value in doing) the same.


Before you shoot this down, definitely try it: podcasts or audiobooks.


Honestly, for me, music just isn’t enough to take my mind...

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Live Like an Airport Escalator


I love when something hits me as I’m doing life.


When I was going through the airport recently, it dawned on me that my purpose in life is to be like these escalators.


I’m here to help people get to Jesus – as best I can.. by lightening their load along the way.


Yes, there are stairs that everyone could take to get to the next floor, but wouldn’t it be great if there was something (someone) who could assist them? Something that (someone who)...

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Knowing Yourself Helps You Get Organized

When you’re starting to declutter, rearrange, or get things in order, a very important thing to remember is to “know thyself”. That doesn’t mean you can’t change, but if you want something to work for you, it’s a great idea to know your own tendencies before putting together an action plan.


Real example from my week:


Becky has a full office space upstairs with a computer, filing cabinets, office supplies, etc. Someone told her that she...

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My First Podcast Interview - More Than Expected

Another great thing happened on the set of Vindication, Episode 9. My actor friend, Robbie Clark, had asked me to be on his podcast a few months prior.


Admittedly, I delayed my answer for a while because I was too chicken to do a podcast. As an actor, you’re used to scripts, not interviews.


My biggest concern was fumbling over my words, and then, because interviews seem to be rushed, I wouldn’t have the chance to explain myself, and who I was would be...

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He Will Make You Lie Down

Piggy backing on last week’s post, here’s a new thought about my current situation.


On the set of Vindication last weekend, something unexpected happened. Shance (one of the camera guys) asked me who my agent was. My response to that was pretty much what I wrote on last week’s blog: Faith-Based Projects Currently in Texas.


When I mentioned that it seemed like prime time to have an agent, Shance said that the verse in Psalm doesn’t say God lets us lie...

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